Oil and Gas
Hydrocarbons fuel transport vehicles, power industrial equipment and constitute an important source of energy for heating industrial boilers and furnaces as well as for generation of electricity.
Oil and liquid fuels have been the major source of energy for the transport industry, and remain so. However, through time natural gas has become the fuel of choice for thermoelectric power plants, and has made inroads in fueling engines in passenger vehicles, both automobiles and busses, providing a clean source of energy. Its importance has risen in time and it is expected that natural gas will constitute a most important source of fuel in Peru in the future. Notwithstanding its importance as a fuel, it is also envisaged that gas will be used as a feedstock for the petrochemicals industry in the future.
LPC has been advisor to the Government of Peru in the US$ 3 billion Camisea Natural Gas project, for the concession and license of its three modules: upstream production, transport of gas and liquids through pipelines, and distribution of gas in the Lima metropolitan area. We have also advised the Government, through ProInversion, in the structuring and granting of the concession for natural gas distribution in four regions of the country (625 Km-US$ 342 million); and in the transfer to Etevensa, a thermal generator, of the US$ 300 million take-or-pay contract for natural gas, between Electroperu and Pluspetrol.