Latin Pacific Capital has a wide ranging and significant experience in advisories to the private sector and Governments, and is focused on results

To date Latin Pacific Capital has carried out one hundred thirty four advisories, in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Dominican Republic and Panama. Of these, sixty three involved transactions successfully completed in major projects in Electric Power, Mining, Oil & Gas, Telecoms, Infrastructure, Agribusiness, Industry, Banking and Insurance, and Food & Beverage, which gave rise to aggregate investments of over US$ 14 billion.

Advisories to major private corporations include, among others

  • Gerdau (Brazil): Acquisition of Sider Peru, the largest Peruvian steel mill

  • Red Eléctrica de España (Spain):  Concession of electricity transmission assets in southern Peru

  • ISA Group (Colombia)

    • Concession of  three transmission lines in northern Peru

    • Project Finance arrangement, through the IFC, to finance implementation of new projects in Peru

    • The “Shares for Everyone” program in Colombia, a large public offering of shares to individuals aimed at opening the company to private investment

  • Volcan Mining Company (Peru):  Acquisition of the Mahr Tunel silver mining company

  • Votorantim (Brazil): valuation for the acquisition of the Magistral copper project in Peru

  • Centelsa (Colombia): Acquisition of 33% of Cobrecon, the largest producer of copper wire rod in Peru


Advisories to Governments include, among others

  • Concession of the Majes-Siguas 2 Irrigation Project – Peru (38,500 Ha. with estimated investment of over US$ 700 million)

  • Concession of the Camisea natural gas mega-project to three private consortia; project included upstream production, transport of gas & liquids through pipelines, and natural gas distribution in Lima - Peru (estimated investment: over US$ 3 billion)

  • Concession of twenty four high-tension electricity transmission line projects involving an aggregate of more than 8,400 Km, to experienced private operators - Peru (aggregate investment: over US$ 2 billion)

  • Concession of ten telecommunications licenses to private operators - Peru (US$ 313 million) 

  • Privatization of EPSA  the electricity distribution company in Cali and the Cauca Valley region -- Colombia (US$ 622 million)

  • Concession of five Hydroelectric generation projects in Peru to private investors (estimated aggregate investment of over US$ 2.7 billion)

  • Concession of four Thermal generation projects in Peru to private investors (estimated aggregate investment of over US$ 900 million)

  • Concession of PCS licenses to private operators in Ecuador (US$ 31 million) and in Honduras (US$ 7 million)