
Metals both industrial and precious, are basic for the production of goods widely employed in assisting us in our lives, such as tools, flatware, appliances, electronics, cameras, automobiles and transport vehicles as well as in the production of capital goods necessary for industry, mining, electricity generation, transmission and transformation, agriculture, and most other endeavors.  The Andes mountain range has provided a large number of deposits in numerous minerals, and mining in Peru has been a source of riches and jobs for centuries.

LPC has been involved in twenty seven advisories in the mining sector.  It has been advisor to Votorantim of Brazil, Milpo, Atacocha, Glencore, Poderosa, Simsa and other important companies in the valuation of deposits, mining operations and shares, for sale or purchase.  It has advised Volcan on the purchase of the Mahr Tunel mine and has assisted the Government of Peru in the valuation of the Michiquillay copper deposit and provided a Fairness Opinion with regard to its concession.