Electric Power
Electricity is key for development and economic growth. It enhances the wellbeing of the population at large, providing lighting and power for use in the home, in support of communications, radio, TV, computers and the internet, in addition to traditional services such as refrigeration, cooking, heating and air conditioning, among others. Internet and the use of the web in the home has become central for educational purposes, and now increasingly so for work-related activities in response to the pandemic. Widespread availability of electricity for homes in cities is a reality, and priorities at present include increasing coverage of electricity in rural areas, to assist in integrating all members of society and improving their living standards. Availability of electric power is basic for mining, industry, agricultural and commercial activity as well as for the provision of services to people and businesses.
LPC has been involved in thirty seven advisories in the electric power sector. It has been the advisor to private corporations and to governments regarding the concession of twenty seven transmission line projects involving 8,400 Km of high tension transmission lines, five hydro generation projects with more than 1,400 Mw capacity and four gas fired thermal plants with close to 1,000 Mw capacity; and, in five electricity distribution utilities serving over 3 million customers. Aggregate investment in these projects is of over US$ 4.5 billion.